Healthcheck Python library

Python Healthcheck library

Healthcheck is a library to write simple healthcheck functions that can be used to monitor your application. It is possible to use in a Flask app or Tornado app. It’s useful for asserting that your dependencies are up and running and your application can respond to HTTP requests. The Healthcheck functions can be exposed via a user defined Flask route so you can use an external monitoring application (monit, nagios, Runscope, etc.) to check the status and uptime of your application.

Quickstart Flask

After installation, you can setup your Flask application.

from flask import Flask
from healthcheck import HealthCheck

app = Flask(__name__)

health = HealthCheck()

# Add a flask route to expose information
app.add_url_rule('/healthcheck', 'healthcheck', view_func=lambda:

To run all of your check functions, make a request to the healthcheck URL you specified, like this:

Quickstart Tornado

After installation, you can setup your Tornado application using TornadoHandler.

import tornado.web
from healthcheck import TornadoHandler

app = tornado.web.Application([
    ('/healthcheck', TornadoHandler)

To run all of your check functions, make a request to the healthcheck URL you specified, like this:

Indices and tables